If none of the above troubleshooting steps work, try downloading the installer directly from the official Github repository. macOS: The Brave window will open after installation.Windows 10: The Brave window will open after installation.Click Next and set it as the default browser. Windows 8 & 8.1: The user will be greeted by a welcome dialog.Windows 7: The Brave window will open after installation.Restart your machine, then run the executable file (.exe) containing the installation program and follow the above steps 3-5 again.It is used to communicate issues with all the company's products, including scheduled or unscheduled outages. Check the status page of Brave's official servers.If you attempt to download and run the program, but nothing happens, try the below troubleshooting steps. Quickly click through and enable/disable its default settings, then hit Done. Upon downloading, Brave should automatically open. Wait around 5 minutes, depending on your machine's Internet connection, to complete the installation.Allow the application to make changes to your device by selecting Yes.

Right-click it, and select Run as an administrator.